More information on Healed
Bill Scheer
Pastor Bill Scheer, senior pastor of GUTS church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, shares from-Scripture what God said about healing in 15 easy readings along with declarations of faith for readers to receive God's healing power. This powerful little book is full of God's Word on healing. Bill Scheer's straight-f... (more)
More information on The Wounded Heart
Dan B Allender
Use this workbook to continue the healing from sexual abuse that began in Dr. Dan Allender's book The Wounded Heart.
More information on Being Well When We're Ill
Marva J. Dawn
Support and practical help for those who are ill and those who are for them • The first title in the new Living Well series.
More information on When You Love Too Much
Stephen Arterburn
In his breakthrough book on obsessions of the heart, best-selling author Stephen Arterburn examines love addiction why it is on the rise, what it looks like, who it afflicts and what to do if you suspect yourself or someone you love to be suffering from it. Like alcoholics or drug addicts, love addi... (more)
More information on Creating Gardens in the Desert
Helen Warwick
In March 1999 Helen Warwick suffered a virus that left her with ME. Through the next few years she learned to live a very different life - one with little energy, low times and disappointments - but a life that has also been an exciting journey with God. This honest, brave and personal account plots... (more)
More information on The Body God Designed
Gregory Jantz, Ph.D
Many people look in the mirror and are dissatisfied with their bodies. They see a seat too big and a chest too small, an enormous nose and beady eyes. Psalm 139 tells us how God feels about our bodies. We get the "fearful" part; it's the "wonderful" we're not so sure about. The Body God Designed pre... (more)
More information on Change Your Food Change Your Mood
Janet Maccaro
Stop letting out-of-control emotions rob you of a happy, healthy life! Our moods affect our creativity, our productivity, our ability to be intimate...even how we give and receive love. When we are happy, we create a magnetizing effect, drawing people toward us. Conversely, a bad mood drives every... (more)
More information on Could It Be Dementia?: A Practical Christian Response
Louise Morse / Roger Hitchens
More information on Brain-Boosting Foods
Janet Maccaro
Dr. Maccaro explains the connection between specific nutrients and moods and gives a clear list of do's and don'ts. Readers can learn how to use food, supplements, and other natural therapies to help relieve stress, anger, depression, and have a happy, healthy life.