Thinking of Christ: Proclamation, Explanation, Meaning
Tatha Wiley
Thinking of Christ features the work of experts in fields across the theological disciplines. The contributors are, in order of appearance, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, William Loewe, Gerard Sloyan, Roger Haight, John Pawlikowski, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Robert Lasalle-Klein, Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, Shawn Copeland, and Lisa Sowle Cahill.
The three parts of the book, as well as individual chapters, may be used in any combination and order. Read straight through, they provide a thorough historical and systematic introduction.

Part One takes up scripture as a source for Jesus, traces the development from proclamation to creed, and treats the tradition's theories of redemption.

Part Two addresses four steep challenges that require theological consideration in a contemporary Christology (religious pluralism, Christian anti-Judaism, sexism, and Christology in a postcolonial context).

Part Three turns to the creative contemporary constructions of the meaning of Jesus: from a Hispanic Mujerista perspective, from an African American perspective, and from the perspective of ethics and spirituality.

ISBN: 9780826415301
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CROSSROAD/CONTINUUM PUB G - published 15/10/2003
Format: Paperback  
