More information on Red Letter Christians
Tony Campolo
Campolo addresses how to decide on candidates and issues by first viewing every issue through a biblical perspective. The book explores views on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, family, healthcare, gun control, prison reform, poverty, taxation, campaign reform, and more.
More information on Which Jesus?: Choosing Between Love And Power
Tony Campolo
What if there were two men named Jesus in the city of Nazareth? One was Jesus Barabbas, son of Abbas. One was Jesus Barjoseph, son of Joseph. One man was famous for his hatred and destruction. One was famous for his love and compassion. They lived, played, studied, and worked side by side, with on... (more)
More information on 20 Hot Potatoes
Tony Campolo
AIDS, women preachers, public schools, psychological counseling, homosexuality, and working mothers-these are some of the hot issues that many Christians avoid discussing. With insight and clarity, Tony Campolo confronts today's toughest social and moral questions while raising a few of his own.