More information on Women's Ministry in the Local Church
J Ligon Duncan / Susan Hunt
The purpose of this book is to strengthen Christ's Church by presenting a practical theology of women's ministry in the local church. The book will answer five fundamental questions: Why should a church have a women's ministry--what is the biblical apologetic? Who is responsible for the women's m... (more)
More information on Spiritual Mothering
Susan Hunt
The Apostle Paul in his letter to Titus assigns older women the task of ministering to the younger women in the Christian community. this book provides an understanding of this "mothering mandate" for contemporary times.
More information on My ABC Bible Verses
Susan Hunt
Knowing God's Word helps anyone of any age know Him better. With this colorful book Susan Hunt has developed a fun way to help kids learn His truths. Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding Bible verse, and each verse is accompanied by a story to illustrate the scriptural passage. Ages 3-7. ... (more)
More information on Big Truths For Little Kids
Susan Hunt / Richie Hunt
Your children are a blessing from God. A gift that brings an abundance of joy and the privilege of teaching them God's ways. When they're young their potential to learn is amazing. And because actions and beliefs go hand in hand, the lessons they learn from you now will shape their lives forever. H... (more)
More information on Discovering Jesus in Exodus
Susan Hunt / Richie Hunt
Before the New Testament, before the Old Testament - before the creation of the world, God chose us! What an amazing concept to teach your children - that God has loved them since not only before they were born, but before the earth existed. And He planned on adopting them as His children through Je... (more)