More information on The Trials of Theology: Becoming a Proven Worker in a Dangerous Busine
Brian Rosner / Andrew Cameron
Students of theology can find themselves strengthened and renewed while they study, but it can also be a time of trial. This reader shows how to navigate such trials as we study for and then engage in Christian ministry. It includes wisdom from voices past: Augustine; Martin Luther; C. H. Spurgeon; ... (more)
More information on Exploring Exodus
Brian S. Rosner / Paul R. Williamson
More information on The Consolations of Theology
Brian S. Rosner
This volume is a primer on the ways theology can be of practical value both to fledgling Christians and to those who’ve been in the faith for so long that they’ve lost sight of the basics. According to Brian Rosner, the great theologians in the history of the church have always found that theology a... (more)
More information on Greed as Idolatry - The Origin and Meaning of a Pauline Metaphor
Brian S. Rosner
What are the origin and meaning of the words "greed is idolatry" found in Ephesians 5:5 and Colossians 3:5? In what sense are the greedy guilty of idolatry? Many different answers have been given to this question throughout the history of interpretation. In fact, a consensus exists on only one score... (more)
More information on New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
T. D. Alexander / Brian S. Rosner