More information on Heading Home
Renee Riva
When A.J. returns home to Indian Island, her dog Sailor, and childhood friend Danny, she surprises everyone with her plans . . . but Danny has something else in mind. For eight years, A.J. Degulio has been itching to get back to her beloved Indian Island. It’s home. But a lot has changed: Sailor... (more)
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Renee Riva
More information on Saving Sailor
Renee Riva
A.J. (Angelina to her family) spends a summer discovering that our imperfect world is glazed with wonder when seen through the eyes of a ten year old child. Her family, the boisterous DeGuilios, take a vacation on a secluded island, which expands to include another family, the Morgans, who are facin... (more)