More information on Caring for the Shepherds
Kent Philpott
What are the problems, pressures, and needs of those who pastor the people of God? How can the fellowship of believers encourage and minister to these key members of the church family? The aim of this book is to provide some answers for these questions. Christians care about their ministers, eld... (more)
More information on Are You Really Born Again? Understanding True and False Conversion
Kent Philpott
Jesus said, 'You must be born again' and 'Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven.' The most important question anyone could ever ask you is 'Are You Really Born Again?' You need to know whether you are 'safely on your way to heaven' or 'sleeping on the brink of ... (more)
More information on Are You Being Duped?: Find Out Before it's Too Late!
Kent Philpott
Are you being duped? How would you know if you are or not? Have you embraced ideas and concepts that are working against you? Do you believe you will simply die and that is the end of your existence? Do you really think all spiritual paths lead to the one true God? Do you think your life is all ... (more)
More information on My Enemy My Friend
Ellie Philpott
There are very few books on the Christian market that deal with the Palestinian/Israeli situation from a neutral point of view. Many Christians do not have a developed understanding of the situation in the Holy Land, but are very interested in the topic. Much of their knowledge of the country comes ... (more)
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More information on Why I Am A Christian
Philpott, Kent
‘Given all the barriers and obstacles that stood in my way I am surprised I became a Christian at all. There were so many hindrances that, thinking of them now, I am amazed afresh that I was ever converted.’ From this starting point Kent Philpott deals with the vital and pertinent questions of wh... (more)