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Jeremy McQuoid
The Gospel of Mark is a fascinating book! It was written to a group of suffering Christians who were facing execution, and had no time for theological intricacies, Mark cuts to the chase and provides them with a jargon–free summary of the gospel story. Who is Jesus, and why is He worth dying for? Ma... (more)
More information on The Quest for True Tolerance
Stephen McQuoid
Contemporary society prides itself on its veneer of tolerance. It is this attitude that apparently makes the liberal democracies of the west superior to other cultures. Looking below the surface, however, we discover that our society is actually superficial, amoral and prejudiced. The tolerance we e... (more)
More information on Ruth: An Ordinary Life in the Hands of an Extraordinary God
Elizabeth McQuoid
'You've got to look after No 1,' we are often told. But the story of Ruth shows us that God's way is different. Ruth put her mother-in-law's needs before her own and God honoured her decision in ways she could never have imagined. Specifically written for use in home groups but equally suitable for... (more)
More information on David - After God's Heart: Spring Harvest Bible Studies
Mcquoid, E / Coffey, I
The Bible says more about David than any other individual except Jesus. This interactive workbook explores the life of David, and shows what it means to be a man or woman after God’s own heart.
More information on Moses - Friend of God : Spring Harvest Bible Studies
E McQuoid
Looking at the life of Moses this workbook explores how we can find our place in God's mission and understand the issues of justice, liberation and service that God cares so passionately about.