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Martin Saunders
ou are not the centre of the universe. When we're so focused on our own lives and concerns, it's easy to forget that the world doesn't revolve around us. This book unpacks seven core values of the Christian life - with God at the centre - exploring whether this in fact is a much more fulfilling w... (more)
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More information on Man You're Made To Be
Saunders Martin
What makes a man? The answer used to be easy. You chopped wood, you wrestled bears, and never showed an ounce of emotion. Today, thankfully, we’ve started leaving some of those ill-fitting gender stereotypes behind. But what replaces them? How do you make sense of masculinity in a world of mixed mes... (more)
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More information on David Street's Christmas Diary
Martin Saunders
David Street hates Christmas. His wife left him on Christmas day three years ago, he despises the commercialism, and his thirteen-year-old daughter spends the whole year talking about it. People say that Christmas is a happy time, but for David Street it’s an annual voyage into the depths of hell.... (more)