More information on More Assemblies for Primary Schools: Summer Term
Margaret Cooling
This title contains 70 assemblies on seasonal themes as well as topics relevant to today's children; example: stories of Christians who have helped to improve the lives of children in need, religious stories behind everyday items in shops, e.g. chocolate: Cadbury, Fry's, Rowntree, Fairtrade. Each as... (more)
More information on More Assemblies for Primary Schools: Spring Term
Margaret Cooling
Contains 70 assemblies on seasonal themes as well as topics relevant to children, and has photocopiable line drawings which can also be downloaded from the RMEP website
More information on More Assemblies for Primary Schools - Autumn Term
Margaret Cooling
Contains 70 assemblies on seasonal themes as well as topics relevant to children, such as stories of Christians who have helped to improve the lives of children in need, religious stories behind everyday items in shops, which include chocolate: Cadbury, Fry's, Rowntree, and Fairtrade.
More information on Firm Foundations: Book 1
Penny Kite / Margaret Cooling
This user-friendly series is suitable for both experienced RE teachers and those who are not RE specialists. The Firm Foundations books and CD-ROMs supply a wide range of material to make RE at foundation stage both challenging and fun. Each resource uses child characters called Joshua and Anna to ... (more)
More information on Creating a Learning Church
Margaret Cooling
Simple strategies and techniques show how teaching and learning can be improved in the context of church life. Preaching or teaching in church carries the responsibility of understanding the learning process. However, for most of us there is a gap between teaching and learning: what we hope to te... (more)
More information on Global Perspectives of Christianity (Includes CD-ROM)
Janet King / Brian Stanley / Trevor Cooling / Margaret Cooling
Case Studies to Promote Thinking Skills in Religious Education, Years 7-11, Ages 11-16, P7-S4. A teacher's resource offering a new dimension to learning about and learning from Christianity in secondary schools. Explores Christianity as a global faith. Includes supporting CD-ROM. '...if this detail... (more)