More information on Michael Faraday: Spiritual Dynamo
Derick Bingham
Every time you switch on a light, start up a computer or turn on a television, you do it because of discoveries related to the work of Michael Faraday. In a swimming pool you will be guarded from disease because of liquid chlorine in the water: this is because Michael Faraday first liquefied chlorin... (more)
More information on Wild-Bird Child, The: A Life of Amy Carmichael
Derick Bingham
This biography, researched from Amy Carmichael’s original letters, uncovers the heart and conscience of this self-effacing missionary. She has become a legend: brilliant, personable, and passionate. Until her death in 1951, she devoted fifty years of her life to rescuing babies and children from dan... (more)
More information on Smouldering Flax, The
Derick Bingham
Flax, when ignited, smoulders. Sparks follow one another slowly along its fibres. So it is that our love for God is often fitful and irregular. Isaiah tells us that God will not quench the smouldering flax so that the sputtering love of a believing heart is not despised by God but cherished so that ... (more)