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Mick Brooks & Selwyn Hughes
en easy low-fat recipes. Five exercises to improve your posture. Magazines and websites often list ways to improve our outward appearance. But what about advice for our spiritual life? In this issue, we look at the Beatitudes given by Jesus: eight guidelines that help us live as God intended. When w... (more)
More information on These 3 Things
Mick Brooks
Based on the seminal work of CWR founder Selwyn Hughes, presented in his book Christ Empowered Living, Mick Brooks now offers a fresh approach to how we can deepen our dependence on God to meet our need for security, self-worth and significance.
More information on Faith, Hope Love & Everything in Between
Mick Brooks
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More information on Secret Key to Heaven: Vital Importance of Private Prayer
Thomas Brooks
Puritan pastor Thomas Brooks held the deep conviction that "The power of religion and godliness lives, thrives, or dies, as closet prayer lives, thrives, or dies." Knowing his people well, he feared that many Christians don't understand the "necessity, excellency, and usefulness" of private prayer a... (more)
More information on Delighting God - The Secret To Making The Father's Heart Leap
Brooks, Victoria
You were made for more…you were made for Him. What if you discovered that your regular acknowledgement of God--moments of gratitude, acts of worship, pauses for celebration in the midst of your daily service--actually delight Him more than your service itself? How would it change what you do? Would... (more)