More information on Walking on the Moon
Wallace Brown / Mary Brown
What has a spaceman got to do with church? Read the dream God gave Wallace: "I was walking along what I perceived to be the road of life, when I came to a crossroads. There were two possible routes to follow. To the left lay a beautiful, verdant landscape. It was safe and easy. Straight ahea... (more)
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Peter Naylor
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Proctor, June
More information on We Don't Do That Tune, Vicar
Reg Frary
There's nothing like singing a favourite hymn to the wrong tune to get everyone up in arms - the congregation will blame the vicar, the vicar will blame the organist, the organist will take it out, as usual, on the choir who claim they never, ever, sing any other tune. By this and other such common ... (more)
More information on Welcome Speeches And Responses
Hobbs, Herschel
These addresses and response are gracious, sometimes humorous expressions to add dignity to any occasion. They delight the audience and put the speaker at ease.
More information on What is a Healthy Church?
Mark Dever
What is an ideal church, and how can you tell? How does it look different from other churches? More importantly, how does it act differently, especially in society? Many of us aren't sure how to answer those questions, even though we probably have some preconceived idea. But with this book, you don'... (more)
More information on What is a Reformed Church? (Basics of a Reformed Faith Series)
Stephen Smallman
People often ask, "What is a Reformed church?" or "What do you mean by Reformed?" Smallman's booklet will help pastors and churches answer these questions clearly. While teaching new member classes, Smallman writes "I got a sense of the kind of issues that are in peoples' minds as they struggle to u... (more)