More information on Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue
Wright, J.Rober
More information on Saints: A Year in Faith and Art
Rosa Giorgi
Every Catholic saint, local and liturgical, is honoured on a particular day of the year. In many cases, an order of precedence has been worked out to determine which saints are most important. In "Saints", Rosa Giorgi has chosen up to three saints for every day of the year, along with representation... (more)
More information on SCM Core Text: Modern Church History
Timothy Grass
This is the SCM Core Text: "Modern Church History" provides an introduction to global Christianity from 1700 to the mid 20th C. The book aims to help students understand the processes, movements and individuals who have contributed to making the contemporary Christian landscape the shape it is in th... (more)
More information on SCM Reader: World Christianity in the Twentieth Century
Noel Davies / Martin Conway
Addressing World Christianity in an introductory way, this title serves primarily as a guide to the history of Christianity in the century and as such examines theological issues that have often been at the heart of key historical events and developments. It is the companion reader to the "SCM Core ... (more)
More information on Scots-Irish In The Carolinas
Kennedy, Billy
More information on Search for a Common Identity, The
Brian Talbot
In the period 1800 to 1827 there were three streams of Baptists in Scotland: Scotch, Haldaneite and 'English' Baptist. Sheds new light on the struggle for union among Scottish Baptists before 1869. A strong commitment to home evangelization brought these three bodies closer together, leading t... (more)
More information on Search For The Twelve Apostles, The
Mcbirnie, Willi
An authoritative book tracing the activities of Jesus' disciples after his resurrection and ascension.