More information on Senales De Los Apostoles
Walter Chantry
As a believer should we assess the current claims about the spiritual gifts? Walter Chantry in this book raises questions that confront every believer, and Walter Chantry responds consistently with those of the great leaders of the Church throughout the centuries.
More information on Sheba's Quest
Peter Trumper
The Queen of Sheba is undoubtedly one of history's most fascinating personalities, the subject of stories both biblical and romantic; the lady who traveled 1200 miles across a desert to meet King Solomon. For 3,000 years, their names have been linked together, and even Jesus himself referred to ... (more)
More information on Standing For God - Story Of Elijah
Roger Ellsworth
Elijah's life is a call to find our strength in the God who takes the weak things of this world to confound the things that are mighty.
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Roehl, Tim
This fascinating collection tells the story of 12 men and women of the Bible whose lives were dramatically changed by grace. These include Zacchaeus, Bartimaeus the blind man, the woman at the well, Lazarus, a healed leper, and the demoniac among the tombs. Illustrations.