More information on Old Evangelicalism: Old Truths for a New Awakening
Iain H Murray
Sin, regeneration, justification by Christ's righteousness, the cross, the love of God, assurance of salvation – these are the truths that once thrilled churches and changed nations. Yet, where evangelicalism continues to affirm these truths, without such results, it is often assumed that she must h... (more)
More information on Old Paths
J C Ryle
More information on Old Testament in the New - An Introduction
Steve Moyise
This book fills the need for an accessible and well-informed introduction to the Old Testament in the New Testament. It explores the basic issues and offers summaries of the uses of the Old Testament in the Gospels and Acts, in Paul and Hebrews, James, and Revelation. Issues of quotation, allusion a... (more)
More information on On Being a Christian in the Academy
Andrew Sloane
A critical appraisal of Nicholas Wolterstorff's account of faith and knowledge in the light of the philosophy of science, and an application of his thought to the practice of Christian scholarship. Andrew Sloane expounds Christian philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff's account of rationality and his... (more)
More information on On Common Ground
John Rankin
In American culture today, there is a deep inability to communicate across the barricades, especially when the gospel interfaces with politics, the media and academia. In On Common Ground, theologian and proto-apologist John C. Rankin offers six biblical principles to bridge the values gap between b... (more)
More information on On Giant's Shoulders
More information on On the Cutting Edge: The Study of Women in the Biblical World
Jane Schaberg (ed) / Alice Bach (ed) / Esther Fuchs (ed)
These essays in honor of Professor Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza draw on international feminist scholarship indebted to her groundbreaking achievements in the areas of biblical studies, feminist thought and social justice. The contributors represent a wide variety of backgrounds, commitments, methodo... (more)