More information on Making Of A Denomination : John Howard Shakespeare And The
Shepherd, Peter
'A well-researched and penetrating study?essential reading', Roger Hayden John Howard Shakespeare introduced revolutionary change to the Baptist denomination. The Baptist Union was transformed into a strong central institution and Baptist ministers were brought under its control. Further, Shakespea... (more)
More information on Manners & Customs of Bible Times
Manners & Customs of Bible Times illuminates much of the Bible by providing information that would have been well known to those who wrote the Bible and to their readers.
More information on Many Faces of the Church, the
Raymond F. Collins
The author offers reflections on his travels around the world for the struggle of all God's churches to remain true to their different cultures while being united as one church.
More information on Masters of the English Reformation
Sir Marcus Loane
Masters of the English Reformation (Thomas Bilney, William Tyndale, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Thomas Cramner) is both a serious study and also a gripping narrative, abley told. It springs from convictions shared deeply by the author and his five subjects, so that his respect - almost, his af... (more)
More information on Mayflower Pilgrims, The
Beale, David
More information on Meaning Of History, The
Nash, Dr Ronald
More information on Metavista
Colin Greene / Martin Robinson
Exploring the Bible, the Church and mission in an age of imagination. The core narrative of Christianity, the book that conveys it (the Bible) and the institution of the church have been marginalised by the development of modernity and post-modernity. Strangely, post-modernity created an opportu... (more)