More information on Bible Characters Nt
Whyte, Alexande
Alexander Whyte's well researched compendium of biographies has been of great use to pastors, study group leaders and others for about 100 years. It is the most comprehensive, and most well respected, source of material for understanding the characters involved in the events of the Bible, ever publi... (more)
More information on Bit Part Players of the Bible
Ray Markham
Gain encouragement and learn valuable lessons from the lives of over 100 lesser-known Bible characters. Who exactly was Michal? What did Korah do? What can you remember about Achan?
More information on Bit Part Players of the Bible: Act 2
Ray Markham
In "Bit Part Players - Act 2", his seventh title, Ray Markham looks at some of the lesser-known bit part players' of the New Testament; people who play only a small part on the biblical stage and are therefore often overlooked or largely ignored. For example, Ray retells some very familiar stories t... (more)
More information on Brown's Dictionary of Bible Characters
Dr John Brown / G Stonier (ed)
John Brown (1722 – 1787) first produced his Bible Dictionary in 1769. Two further editions in his lifetime remained in print for 100 years, until 1869. Geoffrey Stonier has taken all of Brown’s references to individuals from his dictionary to produce a new volume - Brown’s Dictionary of Bible Chara... (more)