More information on A-cross the World
Martyn Payne / Betty Pedley
Around the world today the cross is, arguably, the one universally recognized symbol of the Christian faith, but this unifying sign for diverse Christian communities has been much adapted, decorated and interpreted to convey particular stories that are dear to the community from which they come. ... (more)
More information on Apples And Chalkdust Notes
Vicki Caruana
In Apples and Chalkdust Notes, veteran educator Vicki Caruana gives you simple yet fun notes to communicate positive affirmations to your students.
More information on Assemblies From The Gallery
Margaret Cooling
24 assemblies, based on paintings from the National Gallery, London, presented on overhead projector transparencies. Each assembly has both a religious theme and one based on human experience.
More information on Assemblies that Count
Written in conjunction with Maths Year 2000, contains assemblies based on maths taught in the Primary Curriculum and covers topics from counting to data handling. Each outline gives: an introduction; core material; prayer; materials; music. Ages 7-11.