More information on Workers for the Harvest Field
The Lord Jesus saw a vast harvest waiting to be gathered in but hardly any workers to do the job. So he issued an instruction to his followers: 'Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field' (Matthew 9:38). That command still applies today. Although 2000 y... (more)
More information on Out Of The Comfort Zone
Verwer, George
George Verwer is known throughout the world as a motivator and mobiliser. 'Out of the Comfort Zone' should only be read by those who are willing to accept God's grace, catch His vision and respond with action in the world of mission. Reading this book could seriously change your attitude! George Ve... (more)
More information on A Year In China
Vincent Sack / Jon Perrywell
A true story of faith in action in a Chinese university. Jon has arrived in China to teach English for one year and this book tells of his struggles to settle into an unfamiliar culture where he is rendered illiterate and unable to communicate. His students range from poor children of peasa... (more)