More information on Margaret Paton: Letters From The South Seas
Paton, M
This companion volume to John G. Paton's Missionary to the New Hebrides gives an entralling account of missionary life in the New Hebrides from the 1860s to the 1890s. The steady advance of the gospel in the islands is vividly described, and the whole account is set against the background of the joy... (more)
Pete Gilbert
An enthusiast for mission and an experienced evangelist himself, Pete Gilbert give practical help to individuals and groups on how to share Christianity with other people. Pete Gilbert is adamant that only when you have a close relationship with God and He has invited you to KISS Him that you can re... (more)
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Peter Pikkert
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Peter Pikkert
More information on Tomorrow You Die
Peterson Joly,
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Philip Ireson
God is doing some extraordinary things in Britain's prisons. Within prison walls inmates are experiencing a liberation of another kind; broken lives are being rebuilt. Using testimony from prisoners themselves, Philip Ireson explores the significance of this, and how we, as individuals and local... (more)