More information on Science And Christianity
Carlson, R
More information on Competing Truths
Coleman, R
More information on Beyond Cloning
Cole-Turner, R
More information on Miracles of Exodus
Colin Humphreys
After seven years of meticulous research Colin Humphreys has written a fascinating and involving book on the miracles of Exodus and the Israelites' escape from Egypt. Although Humphreys uses science to explain the events of Exodus, he does not believe that this makes them any less miraculous - r... (more)
More information on Science's Blind Spot
Cornelius G Hunter
Had evolutionists been in charge, they wouldn't have made the mosquito, planetary orbits would align perfectly, and the human eye would be better designed. But they tend to gloss over their own failed predictions and faulty premises. Naturalists see Darwin's theories as "logical" and that's enough. ... (more)
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Creven, Fintan