Being The Message - Andy Hawthorne, Carl Beech & Friends
Andy Hawthorne & Others
How do you attract the favour of God - so you can change the world?
From humble beginnings on a council estate in Manchester UK, The Message Trust has become one of the
fastest-growing youth mission organisations on the planet. Its combination of outreach to young people
in schools, countercultural mission in tough urban areas, and pioneering prison and ex-offender ministry,
offers a radical template for effective 21st century mission.
Already well established in the UK, The Message is quickly taking root in South Africa, Canada and Europe.
In this punchy and powerful book, Andy Hawthorne (Founder and CEO), Carl Beech (Deputy CEO) and key
members of the Message team share some of the crucial lessons learned over 25 years on the frontline.
It’s packed full of hard-won wisdom for people who want to change the world.

ISBN: 9781999903602
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: Message Trust - published 01/07/2018
Format: Paperback  
