Israel & the Messiah Unveiled
Richard David Thompson
Richard's third book further explains the forces that lie behind the significant global events changing our world. These will be increasingly frightening to those who do not understand God's word. but immensely reassuring to those who do, as the Bible reveals that He is in total control.

He alerts the Church to major events that are shortly to take place in Jerusalem and Europe according to the Bible, and gives a full explanation of the much misunderstood 1,260 day period just prior to Jesus' glorious return.

He explains how God has worked through the nation of Israel to bring salvation to mankind through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and how Israel has arrived at the predicament she finds herself in today.

Richard also discusses many scriptures to undermine incorrect teachings that have caused confusion in the church.

ISBN: 9781910848234
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: Lighthouse - published 01/07/2020
Format: Paperback  
