Prayer, Praise And Prophecy: A Theology of the Psalms
Geoffrey Grogan
Do you want to encourage children to read the Bible? Do you want children to realise that the Bible is God's guide for them, relevant, exciting, dynamic! TNT Ministries have developed "On the Way" to meet your needs, the needs of your church and most importantly the needs of the children you teach. You will be On the Way with these seven steps to success. 1. Reproducible- The activities are photocopiable so one book is all you need per class. 2. Age Appropriate-The material has been developed specifically for this difficult to please age group-encouraging children to a lifetime of Bible study. 3. Comprehensive-A two year syllabus in six books that builds on the 3-9s syllabus and introduces children to basic Bible study. 4. Enjoyable-Children enjoy it as it stretches and challenges them. You will enjoy teaching it too. 5. Biblical-The children and the teachers learn together as everyone gets into the Bible. 6. Teacher Friendly-Lessons plans and preparation tips make this series one you will recommend to others. It's designed by teachers who teach teachers! 7. Trustworthy-Edited by David Jackman of the Proclamation Trust this material has been tested in a variety of different denominational settings. It's worthwhile and it works.

ISBN: 9781857926422
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CHRISTIAN FOCUS - published 01/11/2009
Format: Hardback  
