The Road to Bethlehem: Includes Animated DVD
Louise Cross
In this imaginatively written and captivatingly illustrated children's book by Louise Cross, we find out about the special journey Mary and Joseph take on the very first Christmas and see who they meet and what happens on that very special night. Included with the book is an animated DVD of the story. Based on "Luke" 2:1 - 20, this lovely new take on the classic Christmas story starts with Emperor Augustus calling the census that makes it necessary for Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary to travel to Bethlehem. It describes Mary's tiring, uncomfortable journey and how she comes to give birth to the baby Jesus in the inn keeper's stable. We also see how the angels call for the shepherds to visit the stable and later how the wise men, too, come. The story ends with the tantalising promise of much more to tell of this amazing story and an invitation to explore more in the New Testament.

ISBN: 9781853455650
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CWR* - published 01/08/2010
Format: Paperback  
