Summon's Bible Miscellany
Parminder Summons
The Bible is the world's all time bestselling book. It has been translated into over 2000 languages and printed in more editions than any other publication. Each year, more than 60 million copies of the Bibles are sold worldwide.

A whole encyclopaedia of facts, figures and amazing stories has built up around the Bible and its use all over the world. It has changed people's lives, even saved lives. Many everyday sayings and proverbs come from the Bible. It is often misquoted (money is not the root of all evil, for example - the love of it is). It has inspired art, literature, music and apocalyptic Hollywood blockbusters.

ISBN: 9781853116797
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CANTERBURY PRESS - published 15/03/2006
Format: Hardback  
