Israel: The Land of God's Promise
Murray Dixon
The recent war in Lebanon is covered in a powerful postscript in Murray Dixon's updated book about the modern day restoration of Israel and her inseparable relationship with the Church. The book is packed full with superb information that covers the history of modern Israel and explains one of the greatest prophetic events of modern times - the rebirth of Israel. What does this mean for the Church? The reader will understand the roots of their Christian faith and discover how God's promises to the Jewish people and the Land of Israel are of significance to the development of the Body of Christ today. The dark passages of Church history are covered, providing examples of anti-Semitism and periods of intense Jewish persecution, much of it as a consequence of their rejection by the Church. Dixon highlights the severing of the Church from her biblical roots but clearly explains God's plans to re-graft her back in again, according to His original promises.

ISBN: 9781852404420
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SOVEREIGN WORLD LTD. - published 15/11/2006
Format: Paperback  
