More Assemblies for Primary Schools: Summer Term
Margaret Cooling
This title contains 70 assemblies on seasonal themes as well as topics relevant to today's children; example: stories of Christians who have helped to improve the lives of children in need, religious stories behind everyday items in shops, e.g. chocolate: Cadbury, Fry's, Rowntree, Fairtrade. Each assembly consists of the following sections: You will need; Introduction; Core material; Reflection; and, Prayer. It offers useful websites/resources where appropriate. There is a general introduction and a thematic index to assist assembly planning. An appendix includes photocopiable line drawings which can also be downloaded from the RMEP website.

ISBN: 9781851753581
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: RELIGIOUS & MORAL ED PRES - published 01/08/2008
Format: Paperback  
