One God: The Deity Revealed in Jesus
Peter Cotterell
An exploration of how Christianity relates to other religions - essential reading for those living in a pluralist society.

Christians claim to believe in one God. So do Jews and Muslims. So why are the faiths so different? What do Christians mean when they say they worship one God but believe in a Trinity? What do Hinduism and the traditional religions of tribal societies believe about God? What do Christians mean by salvation, and what does salvation mean to a Jew or a Muslim? Where do the faiths agree? Where do they differ? What do they all have in common?

Peter Cotterell spent over 20 years as a missionary in Ethiopia. He is Associate Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Islamic Studies, teaching at London School of Theology, where he also served as the principal.


'A rich and intelligent exploration of the meaning of God for our time and the centrality and relevance of the Christian faith within it. It will be of special help to those who wish to see how Christianity differs from Islam and other faiths.' Lord Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury 1991-2002

ISBN: 9781850786856
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: AUTHENTIC MEDIA - published 24/03/2006
Format: Paperback  
