Connect!: Finding Your Place
Peter Brierley / Tim Jeffery
Accompanying the Connect! book this practical workbook helps the UK church respond to the challenges of globalisation.

The world is changing - and changing fast! Globalisation is changing the way the world works. Postmodernity is rewriting the way many people think about the world and our place in it. The global church is undergoing radical changes that are shifting the whole balance of Christianity.

How can we make sense of these changes and what do they mean for the future of the church's role in world mission? In Connect! Tim Jeffery and Steve Chalke explored these issues, showing the amazing opportunities that are opening up for churches in the UK and beyond to get involved in global mission. This workbook takes some of these themes and helps small groups to explore for themselves the changes taking place and the new opportunities waiting for us.

ISBN: 9781850785217
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: AUTHENTIC MEDIA - published 15/11/2003
Format: Paperback  
