Remember Me Rescue Me
Matt Roper
From Brazil, a country struggling between prosperity and suffering, and fertile forests and empty wasteland, comes the harrowing report of human misery girls not much older than twelve, driven to life in a brothel. Victims of child prostitution. Join Matt Roper as he travels by bus, car, boat and even canoe to uncover the empty underworld of these street girls. Moving from the sprawling metropolises of Rio de Janerio, to the white beaches of Recife and Fortaleza, to remote towns and villages in the drought-stricken interior, Matt comes face to face with pimps, brothel owners, mafia leaders, child traffickers, and girls such as Micaeli, Vera Lucia, Michele and Waldineia children trapped in an adult world.

Remember Me, Rescue Me records the voices of those desperate to be rescued, and at least remembered, as we are led on a journey of exploration, insight and social justice, and brought to new understanding of what it means to have faith in God.

ISBN: 9781850784791
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: AUTHENTIC MEDIA - published 25/07/2003
Format: Paperback  
