Turning Points
Vaughan Roberts
Is there meaning to life?
Is human history a random process going nowhere?
Or is it under control - heading towards a goal, a destination?
And what about my life? - Where do I fit into the grand scheme of things?

These are topical questions in any age, but perhaps particularly so in a largely disillusioned post-modern era such as ours. Vaughn Roberts addresses these questions and others as he looks at what the bible presents as the 'turning points' in history, from creation to the end of the world.

This book does not read like a normal history book. No mention is made of the great battles and emperors of whom we learnt at school. It will not help you pass exams or score extra marks in a pub quiz.

It aims to do something far more important, to help you see history as God sees it, so that you might fit into his plans for the world.

'Racy and profound, brilliant and Biblical, this book is a powerful apologetic and magnet to Jesus Christ. Vaughn gets right inside contemporary emptiness and despair and speaks good news into it with charm and clarity. Nothing on the market is better calculated to reach thoughtful people, students and others in an age that has lost its moorings.'
- Michael Green, Advisor in Evangelism to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.

'If Christianity seems alien or inaccessible to you, this book is for you. Vaughn Roberts outlines some of the major "turning points" of the Bible. Better yet, he does so in an attractive way that is free of Jargon. I warmly recommend it.'
- Don Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Vaughn Roberts is Rector of St Ebbe's Church, Oxford. He has worked extensively with students and is a frequent speaker at University Christian Unions, and at conventions such as Word Alive and Keswick. He is a keen sportsman.

Table of Contents



1. In the Beginning

2. Where it all went wrong

3. The God Who is There

4. The Down-To-Earth God

5. Dying to Meet You

6. The Day Death Died

7. Starting All Over Again

8. The End and the Beginning

9. Turning Point


ISBN: 9781850783367
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: AUTHENTIC MEDIA - published N/A
Format: Paperback  
