Hot Teen Topics: 101 FAQ's For Teenage Girls
Eleanor Watkins
How do I deal with my mean and stingy dad?
I’m 15 and I want to go on holiday with my friends - why won’t my parents let me?
I don’t think I’m good enough to be a Christian. How can I be sure I won’t let God down?
UGH. . . the agony of having so many questions buzzing around our head and so few people to talk them over with.
Eleanor Watkins’ responses in this collection of teenage FAQs is a bold attempt to meet young people where they are and discuss with them objectively the burning issues of their day.
Each reply is supplemented by words of encouragement and Bible background, and Eleanor is sympathetic without being soft and realistic without being preachy.

ISBN: 9781844173686
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KEVIN MAYHEW - published 15/03/2005
Format: N/A  
