How to be a Catechist
This self-help Catechist’s Training Course for those involved in teaching children and young people is simple to use and very flexible.

It enables a parish to start where it is already, rather than wishing it was somewhere else.
All participants learn together so there is no need for anyone to be an expert.
The sessions can be fitted in to a schedule which matches the lives of those taking part so that everyone can complete the course at their own pace.
The main course is only six sessions long, so any new helpers and leaders can work through it before they join an existing team.
Each participant has their own copy of this book which builds into a personal handbook to help them in their subsequent ministry.
Suggestions are provided for follow-up study and practice, discussion and regular review.
The emphasis is on faith nurture in the whole parish community, so the course enables people to deepen their own faith at the same time as preparing them for helping children and young people.
Even those not directly involved with children and young people can join in the learning so that the commitment is owned by the whole parish community.

ISBN: 9781844170326
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KEVIN MAYHEW - published 15/02/2003
Format: Paperback  
