Punk Monk
Pete Greig / Andy Freeman
Fleeing the compromises of the fourth-century church, the Desert Fathers founded monasticism. In reaction to a Christianity they scarcely recognized, these radicals fled to the Egyptian desert to model a different, radical style of discipleship, filled with sacrifice and continual prayer.; Who are the new monks, the new punks, the new revolutionaries? The answer lies in an upsurge of small, contemporary 24-7 monastic communities (Boiler Rooms) around the world.

PunkMonk follows the story of Andy Freeman's remarkable journey of discovery which began with the initial explosion of 24-7 prayer rooms in 1999. It explains what 'Boiler Rooms' are, how they arose, and what principles guide their development - not least, the ancient art of 'breathing in' (prayer and worship) and 'breathing out' (acts and words of mercy and compassion).

ISBN: 9781842913307
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KINGSWAY - published 01/12/2007
Format: Paperback  
