Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem
Penny Valentine
Jerusalem is never far from the news… few subjects arouse such deep feelings, such passionate convictions as Israel and the Arab/Israeli conflict. Christians are commended to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. How exactly do we pray?

In response to this frequently asked question, Penny Valentine has written 40 short studies to help people find the answers from the only reliable source of wisdom on the Middle East – God’s Word. With a heart for both Jew and Arab, she encourages Christians to understand God’s agenda for Israel in the Scriptures and through their biblically-focused prayers, to be part of bringing His Kingdom purposes into being.

Penny Valentine has served in many nations as a Bible teacher and intercessor. She and her husband Rod joined Christian Friends of Israel in 1993 and since then have fulfilled their calling to ‘share God’s heart for Israel with the heart of the church’, in Jerusalem, Africa and the UK.

ISBN: 9781842911877
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KINGSWAY - published 08/11/2004
Format: Paperback  
