Story of Conflict, A
Jonathan D Burnham
Explores the story of conflict between B.W. Newton and J.N. Darby, and the impact they had on the early Brethren movement.
Darby's eschatological views had far-reaching effects on evangelicalism and Burnham explores the development of his prophetic system and his biblical literalism which led to his distinctive views on pretribulational, premillenial dispensationalism. While having much in common with Darby, Newton departed from him on key points.

In many ways, Newton and Darby were products of their times, and this study of their relationship provides insight not only into the dynamics of early Brethrenism, but also into the progress of nineteenth-century English and Irish evangelicalism.

ISBN: 9781842271919
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: PATERNOSTER PRESS - published 15/01/2005
Format: Paperback  
