Next Level Living
Rich Rogers
You have a life to live and a mission with your name on it. In Next Level Living. Dr. Rich takes you on a journey that will move you beyond your current spiritual experience to a whole new level of faith. intimacy, and vitality-to a life lived at the next level.

What is the "next level"? At the personal level, it is who you are when you are at your best. It is what you can achieve when you give your self completely to a cause. It is what you are capable of when you are trained, disciplined, and focused over an extended period of time. In ministry, it is what is possible when people are fervently praying, leaders are going above and beyond the call of duty, and spiritual priorities have greater weight than personal concerns.

Next Level Living walks you through a life-changing process that moves you from the life you are currently living to a place of incredible significance, influence, and purpose. It doesn't follow the easy path, and it leads through the very narrow way of the cross. But it is a life of incredible adventure, daring rescues, and miracles yet to unfold.

ISBN: 9781599791975
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SILOAM - published 01/04/2008
Format: Paperback  
