Adult AD/HD: A guide to Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Whiteman, Thomas / Petersen, Randy
WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU ANYWAY? Why don’t you think before you act? Are you even listening? Can’t you just relax and take it easy?

These are the kinds of comments and criticisms that adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder hear again and again. So what’s the problem? The truth is, inattentiveness, unfinished projects, inconsistency, impulsivity, and short attention spans are not chosen behaviors designed to drive others crazy. They’re common symptoms of a much greater problem that affects millions of adults—attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), formerly known as ADD.

If these behaviors describe you or someone you know, this book can help. Not only does it identify, explain, and dispel the myths surrounding this disorder, but it also examines the symptoms of AD/HD and gives reasonable methods for diagnosis and treatment. Now completely revised and updated to incorporate the many medical discoveries and changes in the AD/HD field, Adult AD/HD includes chapters on coaching and alternative treatment options.

Written especially for adults with this disorder, the book works with the reader, providing an easy-to-read format, highlighted summaries, and true stories to illustrate the information. This valuable resource also brings a better understanding to professional caregivers and the families, friends, and coworkers of those with AD/HD.

ISBN: 9781576833575
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: NAVPRESS - published 15/12/2002
Format: Paperback  
