All Questions Great And Small A Seriously Funny Book
Adrian Plass and Jeff Lucas
The whole idea of SERIOUSLY FUNNY was for Adrian Plass and Jeff Lucas to let people in on their conversations about God, life and the universe - and it went pretty well. After all, that's pretty much what they've been doing in their separate writing and speaking careers all these years.
All told, people seemed to like the way their trademark styles came together and shed light on even the most difficult subjects, in a way that perhaps made those burdens a little easier to bear.
However, as they toured around the country with the SERIOUSLY FUNNY tour, people kept butting in with their own questions. So Adrian and Jeff eventually decided that maybe they'd better have a go at some answers. This book is the result.
They may not have got the answers right, but they have certainly had a good time along the way - and they hope you will, too.

ISBN: 9781444793161
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton - published 09/12/2015
Format: Paperback  
