Wide Awake: The Future is Waiting Within You
Erwin McManus
Renowned speaker and church visionary Erwin Raphael McManus unfolds the eight essential attributes needed to achieve the life of your dreams.

Shuffling and half asleep, so many people coast through the day. From class to class, home to work, and stuck in traffic in between, many have yet to tap into a passionate reason for living. It's not that this life is bad, but it's not the life of their dreams.

In Wide Awake, Erwin McManus opens readers' eyes to see the eight crucial attributes of those who achieve the life of their dreams. It is every person's responsibility to discover and develop the gifts given to them by God. McManus writes, "The future is not waiting for us, it is waiting within us." The world is desperate for the best each person can offer-if they would only relentlessly pursue and achieve it.

The eight characteristics are: Dream, Explore, Adapt, Create, Invest, Enjoy, Focus, and Expect.

A DVD is also available.

ISBN: 9781400280360
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: THOMAS NELSON - published 15/09/2008
Format: Paperback  
