No Turning Back: An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews
J Philip Arthur
The Epistle to the Hebrews was originally addressed to a group of Jewish Christians. They were being tempted to abandon their confession of faith in Jesus Messiah and to return to the religion of their ancestors because of the unrelenting pressure they were under from their fellow Jews.

The message of Hebrews is still timely. Whether Christians are under pressure from family or friends, employers or the state, they are to stand firm, confident that as they fix their eyes upon Jesus he will enable them to endure to the very end of their journey.

Phil Arthur grew up in the north-east of England. Converted to Christ in his teens, he read history at Cambridge and then earned his living first as a teacher and then as a lecturer in his native County Durham. In 1988 he moved across the Pennines to Lancaster to become the first pastor of Free Grace Baptist Church. He is married to Barbara and has three sons.

ISBN: 9780946462643
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: GRACE PUBLICATIONS TRUST - published 15/02/2003
Format: Paperback  
