Christian Life & Global Mission (DVD)
John Ayrton
Like to make a difference in today’s world? Want practical, realistic and relevant ways to engage in mission? Looking for new opportunities and confidence to get started? Christian Life & Global Mission takes a fresh look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in today’s “global village”. Be challenged and inspired to: Clear your heads — see how Jesus makes ‘mission’ less confusing and less intimidating Find your way — let Jesus’ mission set the agenda for your life Cross those barriers — follow Jesus across barriers, internationally, in our communities and in our thinking Connect to the wider world — let the early church inspire you to make a difference in this unequal and interconnected world Tough it out — discover motivation to follow Jesus in challenging times Get started — let the Holy Spirit turn good intentions into life-changing actions Experts include: George Verwer, Clive Calver, Elaine Storkey, Michael Green, Steve Chalke, Ram Gidoomal, Joe M Kapolyo, Mark Greene, Derek Tidball and lecturers from London School of Theology

ISBN: 9780903202091
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: LONDON SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY - published 15/10/2005
Format: DVD  
