Searching for the Indigenous Church - A Missionary Pilgrimage
Gene Daniels
From the Foreword: The central goal in missions is the establishment of strong, growing indigenous churches. Gene Daniels addresses that crucial subject in the pages of this remarkable book. Many books have been written about the problems associated with crossing into another culture. Most of them are helpful, indeed valuable, but they do not quite prepare the reader for his or her actual arrival in a cross-cultural setting. No matter how much we have read about the need to remove our culturally tinted glasses and see things from the perspective of another culture, most of us have difficulty doing so. The main reason for this is that we don't even recognize we are wearing such glasses. Gene Daniels makes us aware of our cultural glasses more effectively than any author I know. For this reason alone I believe his book is must reading for anyone contemplating missionary service. -- Dr. Thomas Hale, Author, On Being a Missionary

ISBN: 9780878083435
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: WILLIAM CAREY LIBRARY - published 15/06/2005
Format: Paperback  
