Living The Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God
Bobby Gross
You are part of a larger Story. And the One who began the Story is at work today in the midst of your meetings and bills and family activities that make the days rush by and blur together. In these pages Bobby Gross opens to you-and opens you to-the liturgical year, helping you inhabit God's Story every day.

Rehearsing God's creation, Christ's life story and the Spirit's coming will change you, drawing you into deeper intimacy with God and pointing your attention to the work of the Father, Son and Spirit in and around you.

Whether you're familiar or unfamiliar with following the liturgical year, this book makes it easy to do, offering here the significance and history of each season, ideas for living out God's Story in your own life, and devotions that follow the church calendar for each week of the year.

ISBN: 9780830835201
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: IVP (USA) - published 01/11/2009
Format: Paperback  
