The Attentive Life: Discerning God's Presence in All Things
Leighton Ford
Distractions were keeping Leighton Ford from seeing God's work in and around him. So he began a journey of longing and looking for God. And it started with paying attention.

In these pages, he invites you to journey with him. Using the rich tradition of praying the hours, Ford will walk with you, helping you pay attention to God's work in you and around you throughout each day and in different seasons of your life.

If you're busy, distracted, rushing through each day, you might be feeling disconnected from God, unable to see how he's working. But the way toward him starts with a pause and a prayer with intention and attention and becomes a way of life, awake and alive to the peaceful, powerful presence of God.

ISBN: 9780830835164
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: IVP (USA) - published 01/06/2008
Format: Hardback  
