The Word of the Cross in a World of Glory
Philip Ruge-Jones
Philip Ruge-Jones uses story and plain language to explore the transformative power of the Word of God in the midst of a society where the glory of power, prestige, profits, and certitude is substituted for God's glory as revealed in the crucified and risen Christ.

The More...cross, says Ruge-Jones, calls us to redefine power and glory in radically new ways. Power now is empowerment shared in the middle of weakness. Glory now is presence in a brokenness that makes all things new.

The Word of the Cross in a World of Glory listens carefully to the thirsty, hungry Jesus and the friends whom he claimed to help us understand the glory that Jesus offers. 'What might the church look like,' the author asks, 'if our hearts became captive to the Word of the cross?'

ISBN: 9780806680057
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: AUGSBURG - published 01/04/2008
Format: Paperback  
