John Paul II
Edward Stourton
John Paul was, famously, a bundle of paradoxes; he defied every attempt to put him in an ideological box, and he was equally bewildering to his admirers and his detractors.

Edward Stourton unravels John Paul`s life, his beliefs, his actions and ultimately places him in context within the Catholic Church of the 20th and 21st Century.

A wonderfully, insightful, involving and rewarding look at the life of a man who was not only one of the most important men of the last thirty years of the 20th century but who became, in his last days, a living symbol of the Christian response to suffering and an inspiration to billions.

ISBN: 9780340908167
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: HODDER HEADLINE* - published 15/04/2006
Format: Hardback  
