Church For Every Context
£30  £28.00
Church For Every Context
Michael Moynagh
Fresh Expressions of Church are one of the most important developments within the contemporary church. There has been - and continues to be - much learning about how to plant Fresh Expressions of church in contemporary culture and about theological resources to support this. This is the first textbook that reflects this learning. Church in Context addresses the theology and methodology of Fresh Expressions/church planting. Topics will include ecclesiology, Fresh Expressions in the New Testament, social forces behind Fresh Expressions today, theologies to underpin fresh expressions, how fresh expressions develop, the missional dynamics involved, discipleship, worship and how Fresh Expressions can be sustained and supported.
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ISBN: 9780334043690
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SCM - published 22/04/2013
Format: Paperback  

List price £30  Our price £28.00